Attia Qamar
Research Manager - Regulatory Affairs
I am a senior research coordinator and project manager, working primarily on clinical trials for our team. I am currently working on several projects including: (1) the CORIPREV trial, looking at a post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) option for COVID-19 prevention ; (2) the FLAIR trial looking at the first 2 drug NRTI sparing long acting injectables option for treatment of HIV; (2) the OPTIN trial looking at (a) test message support with counselors for PEP patients and (b) task shifting of PEP care from Infectious Disease physicians to Sexual Health Clinic nurses; (3) the first trial to look at daily doxycycline as an option for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) Syphilis prevention; (4) the CHANGE HIV trial, the first to study the aging HIV population and learn about their long term lived experiences.
I enjoy working with patients in clinic here at St. Michael’s, and participating in research that will help to contribute to the development of new HIV and STI prevention and treatment options. What I like most about working at the Options Lab is the opportunity to be a part of cutting edge novel research in the world of infectious diseases.